Sunday, 31 July 2022

Dinner at Rockfish, Exmouth

When I told my sister I was planning to stay at Exmouth she asked: "Will you be eating at Mitch Tonks?". My response was Who or What?

It turns out Mitch Tonks is a chef, restaurateur and entrepreneur who does a lot of cheffing, restaurateuring and entrepreneuring in this part of the country. Apparently, he is well known to people who watch Saturday Kitchen or Sunday Brunch and other food programmes, but as he hasn't appeared on Great British Menu or MasterChef he hadn't hit my awareness - until now. 

As it happened, I had already booked a few restaurants before our visit to Exmouth and one of them was Rockfish, one of a small number of Rockfish restaurants in this region owned and run by Mitch Tonks. So without knowing it I was to taste his food on this lovely Friday evening.

Going to Rockfish

We left the house at 6.30pm and wandered down the 1.2 miles - it was downhill all the way - to the Exmouth Pier where Rockfish is located, right next to the sea arriving at 6.55pm for our 7pm booking.

As the name applies, this place is all about the fish, and much of it about fish which arrives in Exmouth from the fishing boats that have been out to sea today.

The menu has some regular options, but the major part of it is a list of fish, which the server marks to indicate which ones have come in fresh today. 


While we were making up our mind we started with some Sourdough and Seaweed Butter, which was salty and delicious.

It seems right to be here on a Friday, a day of abstinance from meat for us Catholics, but it is no penance to eat fish which is looked after and care for as well as that at Rockfish.

For his starters Drew opted for Crispy Fried Whitebait with Aioli, the garlic rich sauce was a perfect accompaniment for the crispy little fishes. Drew was very happy.

I decided a salad would make a good starter and choose the Caesar Salad with anchovies. The croutons on the salad were crisp and delicious, though with a lot less garlic than we use when we cook them at home. The pickled anchovies added a vinegary richness to the Caesar sauce and the lettuce leaves were crisp and fresh. In short a perfect Caesar salad.


For Main course we had both gone for fish from the daily catch. Drew opting for Silver Mullett and I for Plaice, we accompanied these with Chips (Drew) and New Potatoes with Fresh Mint and Isle of Wight Tomato salad for me.

Plaice is such a delicate fish, that it is all too often wasted in Fish and Chip shops when it is drowned in batter. Batter works well with more robust flavoured fish, but plaice's gentle flavours work well when it is lightly cooked and ready to fall off the bone. 

As I eat it I was reminded of a Malay Chinese friend of mine whom I worked with when I taught on the Newport MBA delivered at Hainan University in Haikou, China. His greatest delight was to finish a fish and then suck the head to get every last but off. I didn't quite go to Dr Tan's extreme but I took every bit of flesh from the bone and scrapped some for the head too. It was absolutely delicious. After the wonderful and complex food of yesterday it was a great delight to have something equally wonderful, but much more simple, in this meal which simply celebrated the fish and vegetables that were being used. 

If you are ever in the South West do look out for a Rockfish restaurant, unpretentious ambiance, but high quality and well cared for ingredients. Who could ask for more? 

I do like to stroll along the Prom, Prom, Prom!

Dinner over by 8.30pm it seemed too good an opportunity to walk along the promenade beside Exmouth beach. The words of the Music Hall song from the 1910s, that my Grandfather would often sing when we were at the seaside came to mind as we strolled along the Prom. There were no "brass bands playing, Tiddely-om-pom-pom!" but I was "beside myself with glee" to be beside the seaside on such a lovely evening. 

We had the pleasure of a spectacular sunset and having worked the mile from Rockfish to the Maer. We took another route up the 1.5 miles to home. 

What a calm and lovely place Exmouth is. Today has been a great way to relax into a holiday. 

Back at 9.30pm we put the Car on to charge through the small window in one of the spare bedrooms [Co-pilot's note: Dear Readers, Ha, Ha!!!] and went to bed at 10.30pm.


  1. What a lovely meal, though you fooled me with your starters. I'd assumed Drew choose the Caeser salad.

    1. There is a reason, though a nutty sort of one.

      We have had a bedtime ritual for a number of years which goes like this.

      D - Be Good or if not be nautical (a reference to Captain Jack who sits beside him).
      H - I'll be nautical
      D - But you can't tie a knot (which is true)
      H - But I know where to go to find out - Belfast, Maine has a good sign ( which not only shows you boat knots but also gives you some rope to practice on. Then we can go for a lovely dinner - Maine Lobster freshly boiled. (Which is what I had both times we have been to Belfast, Maine)
      D - That might be nice, but I think you should try a starter - perhaps French Onion Soup or Caesar Salad (which he had there).
      H - Why them?
      D - Because they come with lovely Croutons.

      An idiot end of the day, normally preceded by a Satillite City reference - "Turn the light out Randy boy" but one that has been pretty consistent for many years. Hence croutons, especially those in Caesar Salads and French Onion soup are part of our life story.

      So, while I had the whitebait in mind, when Drew said he was interested in it, I seemed right that one of us should have the Caesar salad, and this one with a sharp pickled anchovy was excellent, as were the croutons!! 😂🤣

    2. Bonkers, the pair of you. Thank goodness that Captain Jack is sensible.

  2. Co-pilot many spare bedrooms are there? 😂😂😂 Haydn, your electric car experiences are bringing me around to the idea. Being pretty rural here the distance between chargers was something we would need to consider. Fortunately, for me, covid putting paid to your overseas hols is opening my eyes to the way it could be.

    1. Three. I think. 😀

    2. Two, one with twin beds, the other with a double plus two large couches that can be converted into doubles!!

      So plenty!!

      Zapmap shows two at the Metropole Car park, one at 50kw per hour (rapid) the other at 7km per hour + fast household range, almost three times a plug.

      High Street Car Park has 2 22kw per hour, so not super fast, but not bad for regular top ups. The same ones are available in the Grow if you are down in Builth (2 there too).

      Aberystwyth, as I know you like visiting has 1 rapid one in Lidl's car park and two in Tesco's. So are well supplied.

  3. That sunset photo is brilliant….I keep forgetting to change the anonymous on the posts😂

    1. Hi Linda in each of the three so far the content has told me it was you!

  4. That sounds delicious,it is making me feel hungry

  5. I didn't realise Mitch Tonks was on TV. We came across him in the early 2000's when he used to publish recipes in a newspaper, the Independent probably. We enjoyed his fish delivery during lockdown.

    1. Hi Janet,

      He is still pushing that part of his activity. With the bill we got 30% offer for our first fish order.

  6. You guessed it was me??
